Posts tagged Canada
A Survey of Flag Desecration Laws Around The World

By Mikka Burrell.

Currently, the following countries allow flag desecration: the United States, Australia, Canada, and Denmark. However, the follow countries made flag desecration illegal: Israel, Saudi Arabia, and France. Today's post provides a brief overview of the flag desecration laws of the mentioned countries.

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Super Bowl Ads, Eh?

By Drew Hargrove.

On Sunday, many people watched the Super Bowl. But, the Super Bowl is not just a big deal in America, many Canadians watch the game as well. Until very recently, however, Canadians were not privy to the hyped-up American commercials. Today's post discusses the legal battle ensuing in Canadian courts regarding the showing of American commercials during the Super Bowl.

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Can Canadian Courts Really Make Americans Pay Spousal Support for Mere Cohabitation?

By Jacob Simon.

No jurisdiction in the United States will honor spousal support for unwed couples. Canada, on the other hand, allows for spousal support for mere cohabitants. Today's post uses a hypothetical situation involving two law students to see if a Canadian court could require spousal support when one party is Canadian and the other American.

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