Controlling the Presidential Election Madness: Lessons from France

By Hilary McDaniel.

On April 23rd, France will hold its presidential election. Unlike the United States, France limits the formal campaign period to the two weeks leading up to the election. Thus, formal campaigning began on April 9th and must conclude by 11:59 PM on April 21st. Today's post discusses the differences between presidential races in United States and France.

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Beyond the Wall: A German Solution to the Property Issue in Cyprus Reunification

By Calla Ketchens.

The idea of "building a wall" has become very common in the past year. But it is not a new problem. Other countries such as North Korea, South Korea, and Israel-Palestine have faced border issues. Today;s post provides a brief history of Cyprus and discusses the possible reunification of Cyprus.

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A Survey of Flag Desecration Laws Around The World

By Mikka Burrell.

Currently, the following countries allow flag desecration: the United States, Australia, Canada, and Denmark. However, the follow countries made flag desecration illegal: Israel, Saudi Arabia, and France. Today's post provides a brief overview of the flag desecration laws of the mentioned countries.

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I Want A New Drug—President Duterte’s Deadly War on Drugs & Violations of International Human Rights Laws in the Philippines

By Laura Bassett.

In 2016, the Philippines elected Rodrigo Duarte as president. He promised to take a tough stance on drugs. While Duarte was a mayor, human rights groups found evidence of government sanctioned killing of certain criminals. Today's post discusses why Duarte's actions do not constitute genocide and what can be done in the future.

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Trademark Triumph in China?

By Tyler Seling.

Until recently, many U.S. companies faced trademark issues in China. China uses a "first to file" trademark system, which is in stark contrast to the U.S.'s "first to use" system. This has impacted large corporations such as Pfizer and Apple. Today's post discusses a recent decision by the Chinese Supreme Court that ruled in favor of Michael Jordan and ordered a Chinese company to stop using its trademark.

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